Holistic sport development framework 

Holistic sport development framework takes a look at all dynamics involved into a sport organisation. It overviews the dynamics into a stakeholder groups divided into a separated frameworks: 

  • Organisation development framework: aiming the administration, leadership and management development.
  • Athletes development framework: aiming the athletes as primary stakeholders and their environment (parents, family and friends)
  • Coaches development framework: aiming everyone who works with the athletes directly, especially coaches who influence the athletes development the most. 
  • External stakeholders development framework: aiming all external to the organisation stakeholders who are actively involved in the state of the organisation (fans, suppliers, partners)

Each of those framework can work and co-exists synchronously with the others, allowing all stakeholders to flourish and succeed individually as well as a single (organisational) unit. 

Our research is based on full analysis of over 2500 sport organisations in the EU, UK and US looking through the lens of the holistic frameworks. 

Why a holistic framework is needed? 

Research shows that most of the problems related to the organisation development are linked to the missing or problematic processes and unclear roles and responsibilities. 

  • The holistic development framework: 
  • aligns all stakeholders
  • defines clear processes
  • defines parameters and KPIs to monitor the current status
  • helps identify the gaps in the organisation
  • helps identify the support needed to all employees and responsible individuals

Those parameters and KPIs are key to understand the overall organisation design required to become a successful organisation and allows a smoother navigation in "open waters".