
Understand what the system can do

Core Modules

User our e-mails server to send and receive e-mails in the system out of the box. 

Secure  and transparent communication for the whole organisation.

You can configure Stripe as part of the on-boarding process as our default payment acquirer. 

Sport Business Management

Complete organisation management out of the box and share it with your users. 

Create and manage coaches in the system. Give them access to be self-sufficient and effective. 

Create and manage athletes in the system.  Give them access to be self-sufficient and effective. 

Create and manage parents or guardians. Give them access to manage their children. 

Create, manage  and assign groups to athletes, coaches and admins. 

Create, manage and assign simple or very complex subscriptions out of the box. 


Create, manage and assign bookings for your organisation. Give freedom to your members.

Create, manage and assign events. Sell tickets so you can get extra review in. 

Create, manage and assign general and pro-assessments. Sell them to your members.  

Manage registers as a pro based on your groups schedules. Know who visit which training or event. 

Share key documents with your members. Give them the access and manage those. 

Shared calendar with all users. Every user sees all details of the events assigned to his account. 

Branded features 

White-labelled application for the entire organisation. Secured and managed by us. 

Bring the payments gateway that you already use. Integrate it out of the box.


Bring a custom domain to the game. Your branding should go with your domain too. 

Branded website based on unique templates provided from us, available out of the box. 

Sport performance


Understand and implement athletes and coaches development framework. 

Bring a lifestyle assessment and education for it out of the box to your users.


Mobility & Stability assessments to your users based on FMS or 1080Map frameworks. 

Integrate HR/HRV data to your organisation. Build custom dashboards based on it. 

Understand the maturation of all your users. Use bio-banding to customise their plans. 

Assess the mental skills of your users, applicable to their individual profile. 


Assess the nutrition awareness of your users. Make it unique to the context of your sport. 

General S&C assessments for your organisation made ready out of the box. 

Overall aerobic assessments available out of the box to all user and adapted to your sport. 

Overall anerobic assessments available out of the box to all user and adapted to your sport. 


Bring the best of the 360 assessments to understand the holistic picture. 



Integrate a well-recognized IQ assessment into the picture. Powered by science. 



Understand the emotional intelligence of any of your users and apply it to practice. 


Integrate the Spotlight assessments with your users. Powered by Spotlight profile. 



Integrate the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS)  to change behavior successfully 

Under development

Analyse  the technical skills of your footballers. Analyse their skills and develop custom programmes. 

Technical & Tactical

Screen any  technical and tactical skills of your athletes. Develop custom programmes. 


Create any module you need for your organisation success. 

Any 3rd parties addons you need can be integrated as far as they do support API. 


Selected Modules

The base of the system. 
Available in all plans. 

The features related to management of the organisations. From subscriptions, bookings and events to management of all users. 

All of the system features branded to your organisation. For those who really care to have it their way. 

Integrate our athletes and coaches development frameworks with the must have tools.

For the organisations that need an extra touch.